Business North West’s have partnered with Business in Burnie 2.0 ,Burnie City council and Renew Australia to work together in a project that involves reimagining, reinvigoration, reinvestment projects for Burnie Tasmania. Focusing on reinvigoration of the City of Burnie through facilitation of community and business projects, to help Burnie revive and thrive.
Using the Renew Australia model, Renew Burnie will offer emerging creative businesses RENT FREE access to vacant commercial spaces in the CBD, to support their business evolution and in return help create a more vibrant and culturally diverse CBD.

Debra Wills at her Installation in Burnie photo by Meg Whitfield
One of the current projects includes the program named program Front and Centre with the Burnie Arts Council and Ten Days on the Island. Front and Centre aims to develop and showcase the work of North West Coasts artists. This project was made possible by the Australian Government Regional Art’s Fund ; which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia. Front and Centre is a partnership between the Burnie Arts Council Inc, Ten Days on the Island and Business Northwest via the Burnie2.0 initiative.
While culminating in the shopfronts, the program has encompassed more than just these artworks, with Coastal artists upskilled and mentored by artists from around Australia over previous weeks in areas of professional practice- covering skills such as writing resumes, pitching exhibitions and selling your brand – and works – online.

Amanda May being interviewed by The Advocate journalist (words of artist Gypsy Draven in the foreground window, works by artist Stella Blackwell at rear); Gypsy Draven with her rolled up paintings; Deb Wills busy on the scissor lift hanging her display
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